Environmental Impact Assessment

Appendix D

Project Screening Criteria

Once a Project Brief has been received and reviewed by DEA, a prescribed project is exempted from further compliance with EIA requirements if all of the following conditions are satisfied:

  1. The project will not substantially use a natural resource in a way that pre-empts the use, or potential use, of that resource for any other purpose.

  3. Potential residual impacts on the environment are likely to be minor, of little significance and easily mitigated.

  5. The type of project, its environmental impacts and measures for managing them are well understood in Malawi.

  7. Reliable means exist for ensuring that impact management measures can and will be adequately planned and implemented.

  9. The project will not displace significant numbers of people, families or communities.

  11. The project is not located in, and will not affect, any environmentally-sensitive areas such as:
    1. national parks
    2. wet-lands
    3. productive agricultural land
    4. important archaeological, historical and cultural sites
    5. areas protected under legislation
    6. areas containing rare or endangered flora or fauna
    7. areas containing unique or outstanding scenery
    8. mountains or developments on or near steep hill-slopes
    9. dry tropical forests (e.g. Brachystegia woodlands)
    10. development near Lake Malawi or its beaches
    11. development providing important resources for vulnerable groups such as fishing communities along the lake-shore
    12. developments near high population concentrations or industrial activities where further development could create significant environmental problems
    13. prime ground-water re-charge areas or areas of importance for surface run off of water

  12. The project will not result in and/or:
    1. policy initiatives which may affect the environment such as changes in agricultural pricing subsidies or the tobacco liberalization 
    2. major changes in land tenure
    3. changes in water use through irrigation, drainage promotion or dams, changes in fishing practices

  13. The project will not cause:
    1. adverse socioeconomic impact
    2. land degradation
    3. water pollution
    4. air pollution
    5. damage to wildlife and habitat
    6. adverse impact on climate and hydrological cycle
    7. air pollution
    8. creation of by-products, residual or waste materials which require handling and disposal in a manner that is not regulated by existing authorities.

  14. The project will not cause significant public concern because of potential environmental changes. The following are guiding principles:
    1. Is the impact positive, mainly benign or harmful?
    2. What is the scale of the impact in terms of area affected, numbers of people or wildlife?
    3. What is the intensity of the impact?
    4. What will be the duration of the impact?
    5. Will there be cumulative effects from the impact?
    6. Are the effects politically controversial?
    7. Have the main economic, ecological and social costs been quantified?
    8. Will the impact vary by social group or gender?
    9. Is there any international impact due to the proposed projects?

  15. The project will not necessitate further development activity which is likely to have a significant impact on the environment. 

Foreword | Preface | Contents | Acknowlegdements  | Acronyms | Glossary
Chapter One | Chapter Two | Chapter Three | References
Appendices | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | HAnnex I