

Glossary of Terms

Chapter l 
Purpose of the Guidelines 
What is EIA? 
Pre-requisites for EIA 
Statutory Basis for EIA 
Integrating EIA into the Project Cycle 
Who are these guidelines addressed to? 

Chapter 2 
EIA process, Roles and Responsibilities
The EIA Process 
Project Brief 
Environmental Impact Assessment
Ensuring coordination among different institutions in the EIA process
Managing Compliance with EIA Results
Follow-up of the EIA process
EIA Roles and Responsibilities
Public Consultation and Access to Information

Chapter 3
Integrating EIA into Existing Project Planning and Approval Processes
Public-Sector Projects
Private-Sector Projects


Appendix A: EIA Provisions of the Environmental Management Act
Appendix B: List ofPrescribedProjects
Appendix C: Preparing EIA Submissions
Appendix C.1: Project Brief
Appendix C.2: General Requirements of an EIA Report 
Appendix C.3: EIA report
Appendix D: Project Screerung Criteria
Appendix E: Scoping and Preparing EIA Terms-of-Reference
Appendix F: Model EIA Terms-of-Reference
Appendix G: Consulting the Public 
Appendix G.1: Why Consult the Public?
Appendix G.2: Methods of Public Consultation
Appendix G.3: Guidelines for Public Consultation
Appendix H:. Evaluating the Adequacy of an EIA Report 
Appendix H.1: Basic Guidelines
Appendix H.2: Review Topics for Evaluating an EIA Report 

Annex I:  List of Legislation 

EIA and the Project Cycle 
Flow Chart of the EIA Process
Methods of Public Consultation 

Foreword | Preface | Contents | Acknowlegdements  | Acronyms | Glossary
Chapter One | Chapter Two | Chapter Three | References
Appendices | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | HAnnex I